I'll check for typos tomorrow...
The fall break is coming to an end and over the past week Jules and I went over to Vegas and Utah for some peace, fun and to take a few swings at bringing home the $11.3 mil Megabucks even if the government would have robbed us of a large %, like Ben Franklin said “it is a hard government that would take 10% from its citizens” Yikes!
On to the fun, Here’s Jules and I in Zion, just before it started raining,

in Vegas we stayed on the 39th floor of the Mandalay Bay, nice views from up there.

Met up with a friend and we took a stab at climbing this rock called Mescalito,

The route was “Cat in the Hat” Here’s pitch one, the group ahead of us was from Utah, and the guy leading in this pitcher turns 60 in 4 months! Nice guy enjoyed talking with him, as they let us pass after P1.

Here’s Todd leading P4, the rock was pretty cool, wild texture

And Pitch 6, the final pitch before…

The summit shot…not a true summit, we opted out of the scramble to the top.

What a fun climb and since its not over till your back at the parking lot, here’s us enjoying a thirst quencher, the view back, and recollecting a good day out.

See you on the trail Amigo’s!
The fall break is coming to an end and over the past week Jules and I went over to Vegas and Utah for some peace, fun and to take a few swings at bringing home the $11.3 mil Megabucks even if the government would have robbed us of a large %, like Ben Franklin said “it is a hard government that would take 10% from its citizens” Yikes!
On to the fun, Here’s Jules and I in Zion, just before it started raining,

in Vegas we stayed on the 39th floor of the Mandalay Bay, nice views from up there.

Met up with a friend and we took a stab at climbing this rock called Mescalito,

The route was “Cat in the Hat” Here’s pitch one, the group ahead of us was from Utah, and the guy leading in this pitcher turns 60 in 4 months! Nice guy enjoyed talking with him, as they let us pass after P1.

Here’s Todd leading P4, the rock was pretty cool, wild texture

And Pitch 6, the final pitch before…

The summit shot…not a true summit, we opted out of the scramble to the top.

What a fun climb and since its not over till your back at the parking lot, here’s us enjoying a thirst quencher, the view back, and recollecting a good day out.

See you on the trail Amigo’s!
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